Morality in Media Gets Airsick
Ever been on an airplane and felt the movie was
too sexy?
And yet Morality in Media, those sex-obsessed
people who
want to limit your choices so that they feel more comfortable,
the cause of a single individual who complained about this. A guy on a
flight complained that "
"To put that in perspective, Janet Jackson's
breast was
exposed for only 19/32 of a second on CBS-TV during the 2004 Super Bowl
halftime show."
Yes, and we know how much that half-second damaged
You're exactly right, Mr. Peters. You led the way
demanding that our government exert more control over television
because a
nipple was exposed for a half-second. It was such a damaging
half-second that
every news show in the country then replayed it countless times, and
the public
made it the most downloaded moment in internet history.
Peters complains that if someone else in the plane
watching "
We sympathize with anyone who can't stand anyone
else seeing
a few seconds of flesh, and who are unable to avert their eyes when
desire. We urge that such people take yoga, meditation, or other
training so
that they don't focus on what they don't want to see.
It would improve their driving, too.

Brazil Joins Catholic Honor Roll
Brazil is the latest Catholic country to support its citizens'
sexual health and welfare. The government just announced that
it will provide birth control pills at 10,000 drugstores nationwide
for only $2.40 per year. The government expects to hand out
50 million packages of pills each year, and will increase
the number of free vasectomies done at state hospitals.
Contraception use doesn't, by the way, reduce
membership. Case studies:
Over the years, we have noted (issues #50,
the progressive sexual politics of Catholic countries
throughout South
America and

Guns and Sex II
We received a ton of responses to our piece on the
Tech shooting (issue #87).
In it, we criticized state governments that
citizens from their private sexual choices rather than from actual
danger. We
said that more strictly regulating gun sales and ownership would
Virginians more than closing strip clubs, discouraging condom use, and
Every response was thoughtful--no "we need guns to
protect ourselves from the Commies/Al Qaeda/our own government." No one
used the ridiculous "if one of those students had had a gun, he could
killed the shooter, limiting the death toll,"
Many readers criticized my ignorance of guns,
which I
totally acknowledge. I admit I've never touched one, let alone used
one. But
since the only reason most people buy handguns is to kill
deliberately or with the deluded hope of self-defense--I simply don't
see the
point of making them available to the average citizen.
And having recently testified in a trial in which
So your emails made me think and question my
Many writers suggested my objection to guns had a moral basis, which is
not the
way I think about it. But these writers understandably feel that such a
position is hypocritical.
J. Pettitt compellingly noted,
"Many of the rights that protect our sexual
come from a broad reading of the Constitution. The right to abortion
privacy in the bedroom are not explicitly set out; they spring from
interpreting the Constitution expansively. To interpret the Bill of
Rights one
way for speech, abortion, and privacy but then suddenly want a strict
constructional view of the Second Amendment is hypocritical in the same
way as
a right-wing Christian using a prostitute."
A. Lackman also attacked what he saw as my
"I find it disturbing that you to choose to be the
moral police and vilify a legal object because you find it disturbing.
Just as
sex and sex-related items (legal devices) are demonized by those who
understand them, you are doing the same with guns. Like sex, guns are
not the
problem. Ignorance and paranoia are."
Finally, P. Hibbard meshed the two issues nicely:
"The entire social system is so uptight that we
the government has to protect us from ourselves. Maybe if the
government would
get off the "sex is bad" kick, we wouldn't be wound so tight."
Hard to disagree with that.
As with responses to every issue (and to my blog),
thanks to
everyone who wrote in about this.

"F-word" Indecency
"F--- you"
Do you know what these expressions mean? Of course
you do.
Everyone over the age of 10 does.
And yet the American mass media continue to use
infantile symbols when they want to refer to someone using the word
U.S. News & World Report is the latest grownup
to coyly play it both ways.
In this week's article on how John McCain's "sharp
tongue could affect the [presidential] race," they noted he was
telling Senator John Cornyn "F--- you." Later in the story, they
reminded us that three years ago, Vice-President Cheney
"famously used the "F-word""
while quarrelling with Senator Pat Leahy.
This is just too puerile for words. First they
imply that
using the word fuck is a gauge of a person's temperament or even his
for public office. Then they pretend the word is so powerful that
it on the page is dangerous. But for some reason readers need to know
that the
dreaded syllable was uttered, and so it is, literally, spelled out for
What exactly is the difference between fuck and
F-word"? The same as the difference between pasties and real
pretense of morality. The insistence that something harmless is
dangerous, but
that simply covering it makes us safer. The illusion that blushing
makes everything OK.
If the magic word is that treacherous, we
shouldn't be
invited to hear it in our mind's ear. Magazines shouldn't use "fruit
either. They should say "he said a really awful word that's too
to print." That would make people think, another thing from which
most popular magazines seem eager to protect us.

A Hate-Filled Man Dies
One doesn't want to take shots at someone who
can't defend
himself. Being dead, Jerry Falwell can't. But his work, unfortunately,
live on, so it's fair game for criticism.
What exactly was Jerry Falwell's work? Frightening
about the threat of rampaging sexuality in their communities. Making
feel guilty about the sexual impulses in their hearts. Lying--yes,
what others said, did, felt, desired. A man of the world, conversant
with kings
and princes, Falwell knew better. But his power was exactly as large as
fear and anger of those he inspired, and so he did whatever he had to
to arouse
fear and anger.
He also founded and ran
With Congress recently debating a hate crimes
bill, it's
unfortunate that Falwell's political program will not be identified as
institutionalization of hate. Calling ideas "religious," saying that
ideas are the instruction of "a loving God," should not blind us to
the hate at their core. Falwell instructed people to hate a part of
and a part of each other. Tens of millions of people obeyed him, and
continue to do so far beyond his death. They will continue to demand
that the government
limit more and more of everyone's sexual choices. And they will
continue to
demand that everyone's children learn to hate and fear their bodies and
That's Jerry Falwell's evil legacy.